Tuesday, June 16, 2009

some video that i got from inbox for your entertainment..

another video to watch

Monday, May 11, 2009

for your entertainment

Asyik cerita pasal hutan je nanti ada yang bosan pulak, jadi untuk hiburan semua tengok la video ni

tak cukup..haa tengok yang ni pulak

Sunday, April 26, 2009

walk in our shoes Mr PM

I like to read an articles written on all kind of format and medium available from the internet. I don't care much about it and if i do, there is not much i can do. But this article from Malaysiakini got my attention, the writter gave the title 'Walk in our shoes PM, see through our eyes' for his article. Some of it really interesting and i think PM should take some action. I copied some of the articles that quite interesting to me and for you guys to read, enjoy..

1. Try to be in the shoes of a housewife whose her husband has just got retrenched and is struggling to send their children to school. Understand why she thinks the second stimulus plan is not helpful at all for the poor and retrenched families. (stimulus package..what package?? seposen pun kita tak rasa..)

3. Try to be in the shoes of a concerned parent who watches his children being taught mathematics and science in English by a teacher who can't speak fluent English. You will be able to share their concern as to why they oppose the PPSMI for the sake of their children's future. (absolutely correct..these teacher speak English just like me, well not all them but mostly)

5. Try to be in the shoes of the rakyat to understand their unhappiness over the ‘double standard' attitude of all independent agencies act and how they act towards the opposition. Then you will understand why the rakyat thinks that the separation of powers no longer exists under the BN government; thus a majority of them are voting for change. (yakkitiyakkitiyakkitiyak...)

7. Try to be in the shoes of the people who are queuing up long hours at government agencies to get their little things done to see why they think that the government is wasting a lot of taxpayers' money hiring these incompetent people. (long hour queue..that is short, i have been ask to come next day)

10. Try to be in the shoes of all taxpayers and EPF contributors to understand their frustration on seeing how the public money is wasted without accountability (for example: the RM5 billion loan to ValueCap and the incomprehensible 4.5% dividend pay out by EPF despite getting higher revenues last year). (4.5%...!!! we've been duped, big time dude..)

This guy even ask our PM to spend times at least 10 minute to talk and listed to us, from CEO to construction worker and even talk to Orang Asli (this one can not la 'brader' our PM tak tahan panas, nanti ada 'orang' kena mandi susu lagi.

What do you think..

Friday, April 24, 2009

ini baru hero namanya..

Kalah cerita Hollywood macam ni, James Bond pun tak boleh bikin macam ni.

hero 1

hero 2

Yang mana satu aksi hero pilihan anda hero 1 atau hero 2. Yusof Haslam kena cari idea nak bikin filem macam cerita ni kalau tidak boleh malu la ini macam.

how to tell time farmer way


It is now at the end of April and i believed some company already paid the bonuses and may be an increment to their staffs. I wonder if there is a bonus or so called 'gift' given by 'our' company this year. How about an increment, did your company given an increment this year (hmm how about my company??)

There's must be a big smile on your face looking at the bonus and the new salary. After we have been working so hard all year the company should give us bonuses and increment of our salary right. Don't just give us an annual dinner at a very exclusive and expansive hotel. 

What should we do when the company just give all of us a flat rate increment. Well looking at the current economic situation (bosses favourite quote) 10% should be (good or bad..). Let us show our appreciation to our company for such increment by sending to our boss this picture. 

This should be fun.. i guess so.

Friday, April 17, 2009

adakah ini benar..

Aku tak minat sangat dengan politik ni cuma sekadar ambil tahu apa yang patut sahaja. Aku pernah kena marah dengan kawan aku kerana aku tak minat dengan politik ni. Ada kebenaran juga dengan marah dia tu sebab politik ni termasuk juga dalam Islam ni. Sebagai muslim kita hendaklah masuk Islam 'keseluruhannya' dan politik ni pun salah satu daripada 'keseluruhan' itu. Tak apalah satu hari nanti aku berpolitik juga.

Aku selalu dengar cerita kotor tentang politik dan juga ahli politik ni. Ada orang kata 'timbangan' tu berat sebelah dan selalu tipu masyarakat. Ada yang kata 'bulan' kena 'roket' dan 'pecah dua'.. Entahlah aku pun tak tahu la yang mana satu betul. Tapi bila ramai yang kata 'timbang' dah rosak sebab selalu berat sebelah tu ada juga kebenarannya. Agaknya sebab selalu 'kencing' masyarakat sampai 'man best friend' pun tak suka. Aku rasa betullah apa yang orang selalu kata tentang 'timbang' rosak ni. Kena tikam dengan 'keris' kot

kuat betul 'timbang' tu menipu orang sampai binatang pun tak suka pada 'timbang' tu.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

creative or art..

This is some of the picture that i got from my email, very nice and creative (or art..??) I thought to share it with you guys. 

 the real facebook

what a blow..

this picture really kick ass

road to heaven or hell

no wonder this bird can travel so far

this pilot really superb, he landed the plane on wire

becareful when you walk in this park or your head will be squeeze

what happen when you drink this beer 

this is what happened when he drink the beer

Thursday, March 26, 2009

for your entertainment 2

someone email this cartoon to me and i'd thought to share it with ya'll. Quite small to read though.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

mai makan laksa

Pada sesiapa yang pernah atau selalu IM dengan kau mesti ternampak mesej yang seperti 'mari makan laksa, hari-hari laksa'. Ada yang tanya aku, tak bosan ke tiap-tiap hari makan benda yang sama? Mmm.. pada aku tak bosan sebab aku memang suka gila dengan laksa ni. Asal ada orang jual laksa je mesti aku beli. Kalau sedap aku repeat kalau tak sedap forget it la.

Sebab itu aku kalau pergi makan tengahari aku boleh layan sorang-sorang, tak ada geng yang nak join aku sebab depa jemu hari-hari makan laksa. Memang dari kecik memang aku suka sangat makan laksa ni. Aku ingat aku nak jual laksa la, tak nak kerja makan gaji lagi. Aku pernah cuba laksa kelantan,laksam,laksa johor tapi tak layan, laksa penang/utara ni jugak yang layan. Sihat makan laksa ni tak ada minyak-minyak ni, tak ada kolestrol yang tinggi menggunung. Oleh itu marilah makan laksa kat gerai aku (nanti aku bukak ye..)

Di sini la tempat aku selalu makan laksa tu, di Ampang Tasek Tambahan. Gerai pakcik ni tepi jalan nak ke Carrefour Ampang. Dah 9 tahun pakcik ni berniaga laksa.